UG School was visited by Executive Director of One World Network of Schools

On November 29, UG School received a visit from esteemed guests Brian Sims, Executive Director, and Mark Gregory, Regional Director, representing the esteemed One World Network of Schools.

One World Network of Schools is a distinguished non-profit educational organization committed to advancing global educational leadership. Its paramount mission involves empowering educational leaders worldwide to address intricate challenges by furnishing essential resources and guidance, thereby enhancing classroom learning experiences.

Collaborating closely with educational entities such as schools, ministries of education, and universities, One World specializes in devising, advocating for, and implementing sustainable solutions tailored to the unique requirements of these institutions.

The One World Network of Schools boasts a cadre of seasoned education specialists and trainers dedicated to working alongside educational leaders for an extensive duration, ensuring the attainment of their objectives through strategic partnerships and comprehensive capacity-building initiatives.


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