New Academic year has started!

Modernizing education and introducing the latest standards in the school is one of the priorities of UG School.

To this end, on September 23, 2019, the new  building was opened by the UG school.

The renovated school building is equipped with new inventory, modern equipment,With laboratories for teaching precise and natural sciences. Students will be able to spend their free time in comfortably arranged resting rooms, a library or a developmental space.

Tinatin Topuria, Head of UG School Administration: “23 September a really special day for our school, the school hosted hundreds of new first-graders in a new building, in addition to the students, a team of highly qualified teachers was added to the school. We tried to make this day unforgettable for our first graders who first entered the new building of UG School. We promise you an interesting, diverse and full of news year. "



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Cambridge International School
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